重庆辣子鸡的做法 求重庆辣子鸡菜谱英文版
重庆辣子鸡的做法 求重庆辣子鸡菜谱英文版
Need Spicy Chicken
1 chicken, dried chillies, pepper, pepper powder, red pepper powder, ginger, garlic, raw powder (powder supermarkets selling Health, whose name is the Health and powder)
1, cut the chicken pieces, preferably small, more easily into the flavor. Washed, but you have to use boiling water, (even if the leaching of dry). Salt (to put enough time), raw powder, soy sauce, pepper, pepper powder, red pepper powder, and then pay more points, Essence, is about three times the normal cooking (this is key, not too small, less a son of smell, more than tired of too much and feel ) mix, add cooking wine may be appropriate. Put aside 10 minutes pickled. If the risk of trouble, but also can be deep-fried chicken with salt after you, I do not deep-fried, and I lazy.辣子鸡的家常做法窍门。
2, the process of salt, and pepper into a small section of a bit of a (not cut into the taste is not), ginger, garlic with incision,
3, refueling, do not need too much (although a lot better after the meet to sell), natural chicken in oil (old chickens did not you), the first two go into the sauce.Cooking fragrance.
4, adding the chicken with fried Pickled until the chicken out of oil, during the period can be combined with points based on personal taste pepper, chicken has to soft.
1、鸡剁块,小块为宜,进味会比较容易。洗干净,可是用开水过一下,(我比较懒,淋干就算了)。加 盐(要一次放够),生粉,生抽,胡椒粉,花椒粉,辣椒面,再多加点鸡精,是平时做菜的三倍左右(这可是关键,不能太少了,少了一股子腥味,多了腻得慌)拌匀,可适量加料酒。放一边腌十分钟。如果不嫌麻烦,也可将鸡腌完后用油炸一下,我是不炸的,我懒。四川青椒辣子鸡的做法。
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